Massage is a general term for pressing, rubbing and manipulating your skin, muscles, tendons and improves the functioning of the nervous, circulatory, lymphatic and musculoskelatel systems so that your body works better. Massage decreases production of the stress hormone cortisol and stimulates production of the feel good hormone oxytocin which creates a relaxed state of alertness and a calm mind enhancing your ability to think and to concentrate.
One of the most common reasons people book a full body massage is to reduce any ongoing stress and anxiety.
If you're a keen runner, gym-goer, or play sports regularly, a regular full body massage can keep you in tip-top form all year round.
Chronic lack of sleep can cause serious problems for both your physical and mental wellbeing, but regular full body massages can help; by relaxing the mind and relieving stress-related physical tension
A massage helps to increase the oxygenation of cells through improved blood flow, so you’ll enjoy better circulation and increased flexibility after a full body treatment.